My Week In Pictures - Designers Journal November 2017

This week has been our quiet time before Christmas and the wedding season starting again. I have a wonderful couture wedding dress order were starting work on so for research I visited the village church where the wedding will be held. Mainly to check the aisle size.

rodney stoke church somerset

rodney stoke church somerset

The church is very pretty in the small village of Rodney Stoke. I love the ivy stars above the gate.

rodney stoke church somersetrodney stoke church somersetrodney stoke church somerset

The church is small and fresh with white washed walls. Not the widest aisle but plenty of space for a romantic swish.

rodney stoke church somersetrodney stoke church somersetrodney stoke church somersetrodney stoke church somersetrodney stoke church somerset

Off to the left of the alter is a little room with the most incredible stone marble carvings that would fit more in Italy than a little church in Somerset. Such hidden beauty, I hope there a photos of the dress taken in this room.

packing a wedding dress by alexandra king

A few of the couture wedding dresses worn this summer have been returned for restoration and preservation. It;s really important to me that the dresses we put so much hard work into are cared for generations to come. You never know when they may end up in a museum (the dream!)

tulle skirt by alexandra kingtulle skirt by alexandra kingtulle skirt by alexandra kingtulle skirt by alexandra kingtulle skirt by alexandra king

A new black tulle skirt that I had been working on for a while with hidden purple velvet flowers in the layers. I have also been experimenting with self portraits and styling. Its good to be able to try on dresses again. 

pink lace dress by alexandra king

Our little black lace cocktail dress. I love the neckline on the is dress and the heavy lace. Must make another version of this.

vicki black tulle dress by alexandra kingvicki black tulle dress by alexandra king

The Vicky dress, I always love tulle and am pleased with the silk bodice, it feels so elegant.

susan small black 1950s swing coat alexandra kingsusan small black 1950s swing coat alexandra king

A vintage Susan Small swing cat in black taffeta. It has a wonderful pink quilted lining.

vintage 1940s black embroidered crepe dress alexandra kingvintage 1940s black embroidered crepe dress alexandra king

A 1940s crepe embroidered maxi dress. Trying out technicolor and autochrome techniques.

red vintage 1980s mexican dress alexandra king


Red Mexican inspired taffeta evening dress, I love the drama of this dress, those sleeves and the stripes. It makes me think Freda Khalo would wear this. Earrings are vintage from Polly Victoria who supplies or boutique with beautiful vintage jewels.